Thursday, May 23, 2013

The early...months

So, after many, many, many years of  being a single gal in the city I met a nice man from Toney, Alabama.  I moved to live in Huntsville in June 2012 with his parents.  On July 4, 2012 Jody (my now husband) and I were at a local gas station getting gas.  A man without a shirt pulls up on a riding lawnmower.  I thought, "what in the world have I done?".  Well, we got married on September 12, 2012.  I don't remember much about the day except walking down the asile and seeing his smiling face.  The minister talked about how we should not think of marriage as being "shackled".  My mom cried and called me "beautiful".  My bestie cried.  It was great. 

We went to the Gatlinburg for our honeymoon and had a great time. 

Then we started to settle into real life.  We painted the house, we unpacked boxes, and wrote the thank you notes.  Well, I wrote the thank you notes.  I was in school trying to complete my degree in psychology at the time so I spent a lot of time studying, taking tests, and writing papers. 

Let me tell you, getting married to someone knocks down A LOT of barriers.  I am an only child and being around men is different.  The burping, farting, clothes on the floor stuff was all very new to me.  I am adjusting.  On the flip side I never thought I would burp or fart in front of a man.  I have a rule that I don't want to see him using the restroom and I don't want him seeing me use the restroom.  I think a little bit of mystery (in the bathroom) is a GOOD thing.  We can now talk about our digestive issues, manly itches, and monthly cycle issues.

Jody really is my best friend.  I can't imagine life without him.